From: Stephen Lauf
Subject: ...the vastness of its container
Date: 2004.04.29 08:52

Howard asks, "At which scale do we live?"

The physical 'scale' at in which I live is relatively small.

See where the plans of Hejduk's Bye House, the second floor of my house, Palladio's Villa Rotunda, and Whitemarsh Hall (the 'Versailles of America' built for Eva Stotesbury) are displayed. A good deal of my time during the day is spent within the square room to the right of the floor plan of my house. From this space emanates a virtual museum of architecture, which literally travels (close to the speed of light) all over this planet.

Like I once wrote almost twenty years ago in a square poem, "All reality is relative to the vastness of its container."

Does web browsing occur within the international space station?



Quondam © 2004.05.07