
1 ÷ .618 = .618 + 1

Since the tourists all experience varying degrees of self-revelation in the caverns, exploration of the physical labyrinth symbolizes psychological exploration.

2015.07.10 11:39
Snarkitecture's 10,000 sq ft indoor BEACH at the National Building Museum
I remember the first time I saw such a plastic ball environment--it was the kid's play area at the first USA IKEA, Plymouth Meeting, PA circa September 1986. Of course, the area was much smaller, and the balls were multi colored, but it was essentially the same thing as what's at the National Building Museum this summer. It would be a strange piece of architectural history if the IKEA kid's play room was the first plastic ball environment in the USA. And, if so, was the idea imported from Sweden or Europe in general?

2015.07.10 12:44
Gehry's modified Eisenhower Memorial design gets green light from National Capital Planning Commission
Gosh, I completely forgot how much Eisenhower loved playing golf. It's nice how an Eisenhower Memorial can remind me of that. I just got goose bumps, even.

2015.07.11 10:24
Poor Doors of Perception: discriminatory design, collapsing balconies, and virtual realities on Archinect Sessions #36
and through the fanlight
flies the fanmail
like a pigeon
with a fantail
poor fanlight

2015.07.11 14:13
Poor Doors of Perception: discriminatory design, collapsing balconies, and virtual realities on Archinect Sessions #36
No doubt, the usual suspects.

2015.07.11 15:48
Gehry's modified Eisenhower Memorial design gets green light from National Capital Planning Commission
"As the champion of an obscene archaeology, the lewd Lequeu was to exploit the same visual technique as Piranesi's tailpiece 'The Ruins of Horace's Villa', which rounds off his Apologetical Essay... ...Piranesi's sharp reply to this accusation was a graphic insult, stronzo (or turd), an example of Lequeu's favourite device of obscene 'melodrame'.
Page 49 is really only one of the answers, but actually there was another reason.
...the decoration of the English Coffee-House in Rome:

2015.07.13 10:02
The Architect as Totalitarian
If there is a whipping post, then aren't those doing the whipping the real bad guys?

2015.07.16 10:45
The Vanna Venturi House is for sale
There are some conceptual sketches of Venturi's addition (1975) to the Vanna Venturi House, similar to the appositional approach of the Allen Art Museum Addition.
Notwithstanding, I'd prefer to see Mom go eclectic right up front:




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