Cesare Cesariani (Cesariano)
architect and painter; b. about 1483; d. 1546.
A pupil of Bramante who assisted him in his Milanese work. Portions of the church of S. Maria presso S. Satiro (Milan) are attributed to him. He is best known by his translation of Vitruvius, Di Lucio Vitruvio Pollione de Architettura libri dece, traducti de Latino in Vulaäre, affigurati, commentait, Como, 1521.

Hans Niesenberger (Hans von Graetz)
Niesenberger was appointed architect of the cathedral of Freiburg, Baden, Germany, and took up the construction of the choir of that church begun in 1354 by Hans von Gmünd. It was not finished until 1513. He is supposed to have been a pupil of Jost Dotzinger and to have worked on the cathedral of Strasburg.

North Tower, Cathedral, Chartres, Gothic, finished 1507-13.

1. General plan of the Basilica of St. Peter, as Bramante designed it. This plan, commenced in 1513, was only partly executed; the architects who succeded him in the direction of the work made so many changes that, with the exception of the four great arches supporting the cupola, scarcely anything of the original design remains, and the idea itself would have been lost had not Serlio, his disciple, taken care to preserve the design. (Serlio, Libro terzo delle Antichità; Venezia, in fol., 1540, p. xxxvii. Bonanni, Historia Templi Vaticani, pl. x, p. 50.
2-3. Plan, elevation and section of the cupola, as proposed by Bramante. (Bonanni, Ibid, pl. xii and xi.)

Façade of the house built by Bramante in 1513, for Raphael d'Urbino, in the Strada di Borgo-nuovo, near St. Peter's. This house was demolished at the time of the construction of the colonnade in front of this church; it is here engraved from a work entitled Pallazzi de Roma de' piu celebri Architetti, disegnati da Pietro Ferrerio, book i, p. xv.




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