
Hejduk, John

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2004.04.29 08:52
...the vastness of its container
H. asks, "At which scale do we live?"
The physical 'scale' at in which I live is relatively small.

...the plans of Hejduk's Bye House, the second floor of my house, Palladio's Villa Rotunda, and Whitemarsh Hall (the 'Versailles of America' built for Eva Stotesbury) are displayed. A good deal of my time during the day is spent within the square room to the right of the floor plan of my house. From this space emanates a virtual museum of architecture, which literally travels (close to the speed of light) all over this planet.
Like I once wrote almost twenty years ago in a square poem, "All reality is relative to the vastness of its container."
Does web browsing occur within the international space station?

Hejduk architecture (early, e.g., Bye House) as ongoing reenactment of Le Corbusier, specifically the Carpenter Center at Harvard.

Good-Bye House

Le Corbusier and Hejduk
The combination of Le Corbusier, Hejduk and Izenour is indeed odd, but it might just be the perfect combination for New Wildwood architecture. Is the Bye/Gooding House a precursor?
The Cape May Point bunker evokes Hejduk as much as it evokes Le Corbusier. ...potentially inspiring with regard to composing new designs.

New Jersey Coast Architecture
Hejduk and Izenour are working on new designs for Wildwood architecture, Le Corbusier makes the bunker at Cape May Point famous, and Atlantic City reenacts Las Vegas, etc. Plus highlights of Cape May (Methodist Church, Furness) Doo Wop and Venturi et al architecture.

ideas the Bye House (model) and the Villa Savoye (model) on the Dominican Motherhouse site.

2005.05.04 13:29
John Hejduk is definitely among my favorite architects. I met him once in Philadelphia, and got to take care of his slides before a lecture he gave in 1979--the sneak preview of his latest work then was indeed thrilling. I see Hejduk's work (of the late 1960s/early 1970s) as a distinct creative extension of Le Corbusier's late work, specifically the Carpenter Center at Harvard, the Palais des Congrès at Strasbourg (unexecuted), and the Governor's Palace at Chandigarh (unexecuted). (Not until last night did) I see The Berlin Masque as a design related to Piranesi's Ichnographia Campus Martius, and, perhaps it is Hejduk's architecture of Adjusting Foundations that fulfills Venturi's prediction (from the early 1980s within an issue of Casa Vogue, I think) that there will be patterns all over architecture in the near future.
And there's also Hejduk within the Maison Dom-ino Legacy (first published at Quondam 1997.08.18).

2006.02.16 11:02
division isolation separation boundaries oh my!!
I'm gradually getting into an architecture that crosses boundaries. ...Good-Bye House.

model play
...playing some (more) with the Bye House model:
1. replace the wall with a mesh surface.
2. distort the model in x and y scale while the model itself is rotated at odd angles.
3. have the Bye House sticking out of St. Pierre Firminy-Vert.

House of Shadows Bye

2007.02.18 18:18
what is today's movement?
Note to self: reenactment with a twist, is that what Hejduk's architecture is really all about?

Piranesi, Kahn, Hejduk, and more architect combinations. ...utilize the Quondam collection freely.



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