
Hejduk, John

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Bye House in Terrain

Quondam ideas
Fill in a blank Philadelphia Museum of Art plan with excerpts from other museum plans. Do this for three levels above ground, and also do a series of below ground plans (a la the new Gehry project/expansion). This will be the Museum within Ichnographia Quondam (along with Parkway Interpolation and the Bilocating Barnes and Calder Museum).

Cut & Paste Museum

Wave Wall House

2008.03.19 12:39
Eisenman vs Zumthor theoretical approach
Wow, Kejduh's "The Imagination of Embryonic Development" flies better than time!
Yeah, that and Le Deuzzy's "Shoaling".

2008.06.01 11:07
Can you say canonical?
"In this painstaking analysis of an apparent architectural syntax, the author offers a fresh interpretation of one of the canonical works of the Brutalist movement--the Stirling and Gowan Leicester Engineering Building, completed in 1963. Responding independently to one aspect of a theme broached by Manfredo Tafuri in Oppositions 3, Eisenman attempts to uncover the precise manner in which Stirling has rewritten the "words" of modern architecture."
--Kenneth Frampton, an introduction to "Real and English: The Destruction of the Box. I." (1974).
The article was first presented in lecture form at Cooper Union in the spring of 1973 and again at Yale during the spring of 1974.
"The thrust of the argument below will be that the Leicester Engineering Building invokes a similar critical and thus, polemical, intention as Venturi, but does so in a different and perhaps less traditional manner--by distorting the form of the iconic structure as opposed to perverting the form of the iconic content, as in the case with Venturi."
"Much of the work of Louis Kahn, which proposes a classical alternative to a modern eclecticism, can surely be seen..."
"...and more recently in the wall decompositions of John Hejduk, destroys it conceptually."
"Real and English: The Destruction of the Box. I" was a (personal) inspirational motivator for a fourth year design (taken through to working drawings) project, Fall 1979. None of the faculty "got" the design--it was like Leicester Engineering meets Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. Hyper Avant. Very distorted iconic structure fucks with perverted iconic content.

2008.08.07 08:44
I smell a Vorläufer
Authorship Architects: A Work in Progress
1. Piranesi
2. Piranesi
3. Piranesi
4. Adam & Adam
5. Durand
6. Durand
7. Seroux d'Agincourt
8. Schinkel
9. Schinkel
Coda: Hejduk

2008.08.29 16:29
Theory needed: contextualism/transparency
Also, Hejduk's oeuvre manifests an example of virtual criticism and virtual history.

2008.09.02 07:25
Theory needed: contextualism/transparency
Palais des Abuse Ridiculous -- Palais House 10: Museum
Cut & Paste Museum
ichnographia non-virtual non-context -- 010926a.db
3 black holes in the Michelin Misguide
atemporarily under deconstruction -- Le Composites
virtue2vicegrip machine to live in -- Bye House morph animation

3. create a Hejduk House 15 model using the pieces of Wall House 2.

2008.09.13 08:20
the concept of surface
thinking of the separate surface...

...and the contiguous surface...

...and again
the concept of surfing

Villa Plus Ultra

Courthouse Plus Ultra

2008.10.05 16:04
Mixing Design Elements of Different Style Homes-Your Opinion
I try to go into eclectic shock/therapy at least once a week. Recently Villa Plus Ultra and Courthouse Plus Ultra.
And I've been going into eclectic shock/therapy for 25 years now:

Mayor's House yellow trace.



Quondam © 2016.12.27