
working title museum

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2013.07.18 18:20
18 July
I understand you are staying at the new hotel. La Bataille. How do you find it?
Very pleasant. In a bit of turmoil because they are in the process of opening a casino. The man in charge of the casino is called Shelley Keats. I thought it was a joke at first, but that really happens to be his name.
Marcel Proust works at Le Foulard, that fine little seafood restaurant in Scheolcher, the fishing village.
Semiquincentennial: an almost novel architectonics
Miers Fisher Jr. and Helen Gregoroffsky reunited

2013.07.30 10:29
Learning from Learning from Las Vegas (again)
Working title: Learning from Mixed Messages.

2013.08.15 16:44
Art vs. architecture
Looks like my next project is to design a Comfort Zone Inn. Here's the program:
The Comfort Zone Inn is a behavioural state within which a person operates in an anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviours to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk. A person's personality can be described by his or her comfort zones within a Comfort Zone Inn. A Comfort Zone Inn is a type of mental conditioning that causes a person to create and operate mental boundaries. Such boundaries create an unfounded sense of security. Like inertia, a person who has established a comfort zone in a particular axis of his or her life, will tend to stay within that Comfort Zone Inn without stepping outside of it. To step outside their Comfort Zone Inn, a person must experiment with new and different behaviours, and then experience the new and different responses that occur within their environment.

2013.09.18 11:34
18 September
What is an architectural idea? : Perhaps the real question is "What idea is an architecture?" I think that's the title of the novel I'm working on.

2013.10.03 15:10
Is the Pantheon always a spectacular experience?
The Arch of Constantine inside the Pantheon inside the Eiffel Tower.

2013.10.14 13:04
14 October
...through a series of juxtaposed vignettes constituting... "a kind of mosaic, or better, a revolving stage that presents a multitude of scenes and characters which, taken together convey a sense of life of a given milieu and by extension give the tone of contemporary life generally."
"I have, I am aware, told this story in a very rambling way so that it might be difficult for anyone to find their path through what may be a sort of maze. . . . And, when one discusses an affair--a long, sad affair--one goes back, one goes forward. One remembers points that one has forgotten and one explains them all the more minutely since one recognizes that one has forgotten to mention them in their proper places and that one may have given by omitting them, a false impression. I console myself with thinking that this is a real story and that, after all, real stories are probably told best in the way a person telling a story would tell them. They will then seem most real."
Ford Maddox Ford, The Good Soldier, 1915.
...the latest edition of The Museum Trip series...

2013.11.04 19:29
Why won't you design what we (the public) want?
Was just inspired to write a 'historical' novel where Schinkel uses the 'influence' of the Crown Prince to get to do the designs he, Schinkel, wants. The Crown Prince figures out Schinkel's stratagem and thus starts changing his mind like every week or so as to what style a project should be designed in, just to drive Schinkel a little crazy, but also to see just how clever Schinkel can be. Schinkel, in turn, figures out the Crown Prince's stratagem and hence the architecture just starts getting more and more weird. [Wolfhilde von Schlittenfahrt, the sexy, new intern in Schinkel's office quickly becomes aware of the dueling stratagems and immediately starts 'busting' in her own stratagems.] Add to that that both Schinkel and the Crown Prince are obsessed with the life and works of Heinrick von Kleist and participate in a secret Von Kleist Society where all forms of strangeness ensue. Working title: Kohlhaas wo bist du?

2013.11.23 18:32
Parametric smackdown: Patrik Schumacher and Reinhold Martin debate at CalArts conference
From the Schumacher quote: "Here the collective value is the unique character and coherent order of the urban field. All players benefit from this if adherence can be enforced."
And the irony seems to come with the notion that Parametrics deals with and draws conclusions from many variables, yet, once the design is set, there is then (a prescribed enforcement of) no more dealing with variables,
...what an imagination! I can see a whole new future architecture: the Le Corbusier Unplugged Style. Look out, Villa Savoye!

2013.12.18 18:38
What's the deal with...
Is it true someone out there is currently working on Delirious Cyberspace: A Retroactive Manifesto for the Internet? I can see it all now.

2013.12.20 18:55
20 December
This year's late Autumn is very different than last year's late Autumn--I've already had to shovel snow four times in the last two weeks. Despite the warmer temperatures, yesterday's and today's walk in the woods was still amidst a white blanket of snow--quite nice, actually. Saw a lone fawn yesterday, in the woods adjacent the cow pasture high point, the third time I'd seen it there since the controlled hunt on 4 November. I get a strong feeling that that's where the fawn last saw its mother alive. It's interesting how this animal's mind registers the spot of last sighting to then be, by default kind of, the spot of possible further sighting. A sadly innocent point of view, or is that exactly how hope operates?
Read this while having a late lunch: "Have you ever stopped to wonder anything about what you see there [ArchDaily] or on Archinect or Dezeen or ArchNewsNow or whatever blog or newsfeed you tune into (or tunes into you) every morning?" Figure out for yourself who wrote that in the book UPS delivered here today. I have to return/exchange one of the other books I received today; Project of Crisis is missing pages 123 through 154. Amazon is express shipping a new copy tomorrow. Such modern times we live in, or is it such Christmas (shopping) times we live in?
Reading over the last week and a half has been very Tafuri centric. So far finished Architecture and Utopia, "Ashes of Jefferson," (I think I'm going to read the chapters of The Sphere and the Labyrinth in reverse order) "The Boudoir in The Expanded Field," and "Manfredo Tafuri, or, Humanism Revisited." Last night I started to re-read Theory and History of Architecture. I'm reading the texts to learn/study the structure of Tafuri's history/theories, with particular focus on how Tafuri fit's Piranesi's Campo Marzio Ichnographia into his history. As I wrote a week ago, "Also, I'm currently re-reading Tafuri's Architecture and Utopia, and I have a heightened awareness of the avant-garde architectural lineage that Tafuri sees the Ichnographia Campus Martius as the protogenitor of. I think it's now possible, however, to 'fabricate' a whole other avant-garde architectural lineage once one understands what the Ichnographia Campus Martius is really all about."
At this point I'm still reading, but I'm also beginning to formulate "a whole other avant-garde architectural lineage." It's rather inspiring to even imagine a whole other architectural history of the last 250 years. Aha, working title: Architecture post Semiquincentennial.

2013.12.20 21:51
Bilocational Contingency

2014.01.24 12:12
24 January
2011.01.24 21:18
what is our current architectural style called
Architecture style is no longer defined by space, rather by time.
"Their house is the epitome of 2002 style."
"Design me something early 1840s. I'm feeling immediate-post-Schinkel lately."
"In the year 2525, when architecture is finally alive..."
It appears that the title should actually be An Architecture of Being Virtual because that title is exactly what [the] work represents. ...letters that are to be included in AAOBV, such as the skins analogy/question, delivery of content, facilitators, etc., virtual TV stations/channels. ...more collage than traditional exposition/display. that comprises actual product placement while also "theorizing" about the new role of publicity in architecture. I know I'm 'playing' a bit here, but I also think I'm making a significant point about the 'hybrid' nature of cyberspace in general, and the ever morphing nature of the hybrid [architecture] specifically. ...we were part of a international conference on hybrid architectures. The conference is so hybrid that the participants don't even know (till now) that they composed a larger composite entity.
[2007] "In the future, your whole life will be a phone call." [Gosh, that now reminds me of Her.]
...and get that great new book on the workings of inspiration. I'm pretty sure it's called Even You Can Be a Copy Cat. Be careful of your use of the concept "create" in this context. Tools in and of themselves are incapable of creation; they facilitate dexterity and hence creation, however. Technologies and architecture are creations, and their own creative powers remain (forever) overshadowed by humanity's far superior creative powers. Your musings are thus incomplete without the inclusion of humanity's vast physical and imaginative capabilities. In terms of creativity, you must always remember the hand and the mind. JJM states: It seems more than obvious that the tools we use influence the way we think. SL replies: It may not seems so obvious, but it is probably more true that the way we think influences the way we use tools. ...wondered what the Latin word for idea was, and thus found notitia, notitiae. Interestingly, the first meaning of notitia is fame (as in notoriety) while idea, knowledge of, concept, notion are the second meanings.
[2005] I've been thinking about sculpture lately, at least virtually.

2014.04.07 09:59
Dissertation Topic
Well Designed Limits =/? Architecture
optional subtitle: So the answer, so the question

2014.07.10 14:24
Exhibition Review: 'Building the Picture: Architecture in Italian Renaissance Paintings'
There was an exhibit at Quondam in 2001 entitled house/museum which featured some "buildings in painting" very similar to the National Gallery exhibit.

2014.10.13 17:38
Bilbao Battleship
Reminds me of an exhibit I'm putting together right now. Entitled:
Equal Treatment: What business is this of yours? And what business do you have bringing it up publicly?

2015.06.17 11:04
Are diagrams in architecture bullshit and ditto for process?
Perhaps this is the frontispiece of the book I'm (subconsciously) writing entitled For an Architecture of Irreality.

2015.07.17 11:43
17 July
What's missing...? What's next...?
Towards New Architectures of Short-Lived Conditions
Short-Lived Conditions versus Sustainability within Architectures

2015.08.07 14:29
The End of History?
working title: Quondam Times

2015.09.24 20:50
now you're definitely not getting the clues
multiple choice
Museum of Art Display Failures
Museum of Provincial Art
Museum of Double Standards
Museum of Reality Show Art
Museum of Public Voices
or sounds like you're well on your way to designing a specific Siamese-twin museum: a museum of retro-active architecture co-joined with a museum of pro-passive architecture. If two buildings are not allowed, then design the operation that will split the two.
hope you're enjoying . . .

2015.11.06 20:47
1-star Amazon reviews of famous architecture texts
Pretensions of an UnArchitect
Architecture Not Now
The Last Great Pagan Architecture of Rome
Uninhibited Habitations
Re: Hejduk
Dis: Content
Here a Versailles, There a Versailles, Everywhere a Versailles, sigh
Architectural Otherness
cloning architecture
Pilgrimage, Reenactment and Tourism
An Architecture of Removement
How Did This Happen Revisited
Complex Iconography and Contradictory Content in Architecture
Heavy Volume Everywhere
One Size Fits All
Latrobe of the Capitol
The Irrelevancy Style of Architecture
Authorship Architects: A Work in Progress
Architecture in Critical Condition

010227 repressed history?
011127 Domestic Databases
060712 Artistic Reinvention in Architecture
070425 Volume and Congestion
070625 über œuvred e suicidal
070626 The Faux Failing Memory
070708 Appositions
070710 The Agonizing Demise of the Curatorial Editors
071023 The True Untruth in Materials
080427 Size Matters
080518 Plan Atypical
081118 Making Use of Uselessness
090921 voxelation
120324 The Philadelphia School Deterritorialized
130718 Semiquincentennial: an almost novel architectonics
131014 The Museum Trip Series
131104 Kohlhaas, wo bist du?
131218 Delirious Cyberspace: A Retroactive Manifesto for the Internet
131220 Architecture post Semiquincentennial
all the above received at least 3 black holes
2004.03.13 13:38
I wonder when there is going to be an Apostate Architecture symposium.
Let's have a vote:
Do you prefer Republican Architecture or Democrat Architecture or Independent Architecture?
Is it true that someone somewhere is working a book entitled The Architecture of Taxation?
Chapter One: Money Bags
Chapter Two: Hand to Mouth
Chapter Three: The Art of Evasion
Chapter Four: Deductible Dependents
Chapter Five: Attachments
Chapter Six: Chapter Eleven
Chapter Seven: Schloss Schatzkammer 4 sale
2007.01.24 09:19
... and get that great new book on the workings of inspiration. I'm pretty sure it's called Even You Can Be A Copy Cat.
2007.07.30 19:16
worth holding your breath for....
Towards a Squeezed-Out Architecture
Heavy Volume Everywhere
The Architect Came Twice (in foreign tongue)
One Size Fits All
2007.07.30 22:20
a must for all clients:
Does Your Architect Wear Boxers or Blobs?
2007.08.08 12:03
[googled "redesigning newness" and received no results]
Redesigning Newness: Architecture's Search for an Answer to Sprawl
2008.03.19 12:39
Wow, Kejduh's The Imagination of Embryonic Development flies better than time!
Yeah, that and Le Deuzzy's Shoaling.
2008.07.29 08:40
Ven Izsent, Architecture Exaggerated (Hypopolis: Universe of Overstate Press, +/- the future).
"It's like architecture as gaseous giant. And Izsent is a prick."
--The New Diminishing Globe
Is Unarrested Architecture written by otherness?
2009.07.30 08:06
Exponential Potential Architecture
1. Architecture plus Weaponization
2. Architecture minus Weaponization
3. Architecture times Weaponization
4. Architecture divided by Weaponization
5. Architecture greater than Weaponization
6. Architecture less than Weaponization
7. Architecture to the power of Weaponization
8. the Weaponization root of Architecture
and there's more . . . there's always more



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